Friday, June 30, 2006



Oh my stars and garters. I almost lost my Jameson's arm.

Thank god it was in the waste basket.

Meanwhile, the Battlestar Galactica season one soundtrack is shakin'. How many times can I listen to Passacaglia before THE CD WEARS OUT AND IS LAUNCHED INTO THE FUTURE (OR THE PAST?) SOMEHOW WHERE LIUTENANT GAETA WILL FIND IT AND KEEP IT SAFE!!!! HE'S SUCH A CUTIE ^__^;;

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Superman was here

Word is the new Superman flick is all kinds of good. I didn't see it yet. So I watched the original.

Christopher Reeve was adorable. After Superman and Lois fly together they say good night, she realizes "Superman" is a good name and hears knocking. She opens the door for Clark Kent. She's visibly distracted and weirded out so he nerdily asks if she's been hitting the bottle. Lois leaves for a second then Clark, alone, stands at full height, takes his glasses off and relishes in his wily awesomeness. All this is done in one shot and I wish I was that effective on first dates.

Gene Hackman is insane. And has the best movie line ever: "Some people can read War & Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe."


Otisberg... OTISBERG?

But some the effects are cheesey and they make no effort to hide the indisputable fact that Metropolis is New York so a remake/sequel looks mighty good right about now.

Meanwhile John Carpenter's The Thing, another remake, is the greatest movie ever made.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I love international casts

Danny Boyle's new sci-fi disaster flick:

Something about seeing Michelle Yeoh and Cillian Murphy together gets my motor running.

Friday, June 09, 2006


The Last Hope

Movies are sucking hard. Did you see X3? Did you like it? Oh. You did?

Then you're an IDIOT.

Superman could be cool. It could be lame. Pirates/Caribbean could be boring. A Scanner Darkly could be too. Is there anything else to look forward to? Anything at all? Or will V for Vendetta remain the best movie of the year?

Wait... there's something... it hisses. And it flies. With high-speed jet turbines. And passengers.

And the meanest, blackest, baddest motherfucker on the planet.

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