Thursday, September 29, 2005


Ohmu Crossing

Pretty routine day today. Felt terribly lost in Japanese class then wandered about reading and eating.

After I finished eating and writing out a Nihongo assignment I sat up from my comfy seat in the student lounge and noticed something where I had just sat, something in the impression my modest, nearly-not-even-there butt left. I looked closer and found... a ladybug!!

My second bug encounter in two days. Well, ladybugs are far more agreeable than pasta bugs and I didn't wanna see the poor fella get hurt indoors, in this artificial environment so I brushed him into my hand, formed a fist so he wouldn't fall out and took the elevator down eight flights. I crossed the street to the park and let him crawl off onto a tasty-looking leaf. He probably flew off after that.

So, yeah.

That's right.

Call me Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Bitch.

I will call you Nausicaa of the Valley of the Boring Preachy Movie.
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