Thursday, December 01, 2005

You are RENO. Yeah, admit it, you're a smart-ass.
What Final Fantasy VII character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
A dumb quiz, but HEY. I'm RENO.
So I talked to my Japanese culture professor today. He was at the Dai Sato/Azuma/McGray talk last night too. He thought Azuma came off as kind of a nationalist dick and that Eva is not the be-all, end-all of anime. He wanted more of a debate between the two as Azuma was more of a hardcore anime-is-Japanese-and-only-for-Japanese glory hog and Sato was more in league with Toshiya Ueno's naive 1960s-esque let-the-world's cultures-dance-together-in-harmony ideal.
My professor specifically used the word "naive." Of course anime is distinctly Japanese and of course us white boys will never be Japanese but what's really naive, in my opinion, is Azuma's notion that anime is central to one culture and one culture only. He insisted that us Westerners are only in love with the image of anime, not the history or identity behind it.
Even if Dai Sato never wrote an episode of Cowboy Bebop, Champloo or S.A.C. I think it's easy to see who would be the more popular of the two.
*is all goofy and shit with Rude lol*
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I got Reno, too. Azuma sounds like I dick I would've gotten into a verbal brawl with. If I knew Japanese because God-knows he wouldn't learn English, the filthy dog-tongue.
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