Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I'm a little disappointed in Trey and Matt tonight. For an episode that took as long as a coffee break to write it WAS pretty good but it had all the obvious signs of a rushed-ass script any jerk with a decent sense of humor could've written. A jerk, like, y'know, me and or any one of my creative WRITING pals. Or us TOGETHER. Frankly, it reminded me of the stuff Jeff and I used to write in middle and high schools. Random bullshit, terrible violence, twist ending, insults galore, a big fat Star Wars reference... it was all shocks and cruelty. Childish, mean and mostly hilarious, it was a disgusting way to send off a character who's been there since the beginning. Pederasty and explosive shits and Darth Vader are hilarious... but part of me still feels dissatisfied.
While some of the gags were brilliant - like reusing old Chef sound bytes for dialogue or the counselor/FBI guy felching a doll - a some of them were also, well, pretty bad, like the old Super Adventure Club guy threatening the kids with security guards. Three times. The joke was so weightless it was almost as if crickets could be heard from the recording studio. The Architect from the Wal-Mart episode was a far better unintimidating old guy. A jab at Scientology? Again? And the neverending violence... Certainly well-animated (sorta) but I guess I got numb to it...? I dunno. Mixed feelings.
Lost was also mixed but this one leans much more to the dumb disappointing side of TV. Which is usually dumb and disappointing anyway. The best of Lost treats its audience and characters with respect, humor and threatening mystery. That was mostly in the first season. This season has a few bright moments - the introduction of Mr. Eko (Adebisi's OZ :D), the moral self-destruction of Charlie and Sayid, the return of creepy Ethan, the death of that oily blonde cunt - but if I were to sum it all up I'd say it's in... ugh, a sophomore slump.
I think the problem's in the serial format of the show. It's.. a TV show, so of course it's serialized but the show's narrative is running on its own slowass clock. It's been a year and a half since it premiered in our world but on that island it's been a little over a month since they crashed. I think the writers fucking forgot that. Because of this characters sometimes act like they have no goddamn brain (Did Sayid forget what Taco Girl DID to him...last WEEK?) and events drag on FOR SO LONG that it's becoming really difficult to care. That, and they're recycling the same old tired TV bullshit EVERYONE is familiar with.
Lost has a LOT of potential but the serialized format and lazy writing is fucking it up. Why aren't these characters asking IMPORTANT QUESTIONS and DOING IMPORTANT THINGS? They all seem pretty relaxed to me. Maybe I should just wait for the DVD set and watch them back-to-back so I can be disappointed quickly instead of on a week-to-week (or 2-4 week) basis. When I first caught wind of the show I thought it had to be a mini-series. I wish it was.
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I missed it because we lost cable at college because I attend a smelly hole. Lost is a smelly hole too.
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